Land Management

The Yulluna Land Management services is a Yulluna Traditional Owner group initiative providing leadership for natural resource management with a focus on promoting and coordinating improvements in environmental, social and industry practices relating to natural resources outcomes in Yulluna Native Title Determination Claim area.

It undertakes key projects and other initiatives that bring benefit and improvement to natural resources and achieves this through working with a variety of stakeholders in the pursuit of shared goals.

The Yulluna People Land Management shows leadership, and working with an the surrounding local communities, managing natural resources in a healthy environment.

Yulluna People has identifed a number of threats to the region’s ecological values these including:

  • increased grazing pressures
  • poor mining practices
  • exotic weeds and feral animals
  • changed fire regimes
  • vegetation clearing
  • habitat fragmentation
  • changed hydrology
  • pollution
  • introduced pathogens
  • hunting
  • climate change

Coming soon


Landscape Management

Weed Managment

Biodiversity Conversation

Ecological Flora & Fauna Tracking

Biodiversity Mapping


Drilling Exploration Rehab

Mining Rehab

Pest Management

Feral Animals

Animal Relocation