Native Title
Native Title
Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation provides legal representation, facilitation and assistance to the Yulluna people relating to
their native title claim including consultation, negotiation and mediation. Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation also provides
representation in court proceedings to defend the native title claim determination handed down.
Future acts
Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation represents the Yulluna people in negotiations and, if necessary, arbitration of
future acts. Future acts are proposed activities that may affect the land and waters within the native title area
such as mining, compulsory acquisition, tourism and other developments. Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation is
generally informed of future acts under s 24 of the Native Title Act and will provide guidance in understanding
the proposal and advice regarding the response to the Yulluna people.
All matters relating to Future Acts contact Martin Wright Preston Law "Click here"
Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA)
An ILUA is a negotiated agreement between native title groups and third parties regarding the management and use of
land and waters within a native title claim area. ILUA’s are achieved through a negotiation process provided for under
the Native Title Act 1993 as an alternative to lengthy litigation processes. Although not determined by a court, a
registered ILUA is still a legally binding agreement and must be adhered to. Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation assists in
the facilitation, negotiation and resolution of agreements as well as the certification for registration of an ILUA.
Other functions relating to native title
Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation also provides a range of other services relating to native title including, but not limited to:
- Ensuring the Yulluna people are aware of their obligations as native title holders as well as informing them on any
- Developments in the native title claim area. Assist the Yulluna people in harnessing their resources and seeking
- opportunities to create a sustainable industry ‘on country’.